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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Donation Dellima - Part 1 (The Fledging Non Profits)

"Please!" I whine like a first grader. I even stick out my lip and pout a little. A woman in her late twenties sighs and slumps her shoulders. She would have completely ignored me, pretended I wasn't even there, but somehow my over abundance of cuteness gets to her. She turns around with a smile and walks back to me, withdrawing a dollar from her purse.

"Alright," she says. "I guess I can help a little. This all goes right to the veterans?"

I assure her it does. What I don't tell her is thirty cents of her contribution will belong to me. (Until our organization returns to a payroll system in mid February, I am a contractor earning commission). Since I am a veteran, she is helping me with a job until I can find my place in the civilian market. The challenge of the job hunt for a veteran is for another blog. The story of those who donate intrigue me, and I am writing to you my readers, so you will realize what is in the hearts of people collecting for a non profit.

This small exchange with a woman donating a small amount encompasses all of the challenges a non profit faces. The purpose of this series of blogs is to explain those challenges. 

Before I do that, there are some small Veteran's non profits struggling to get off the ground. These are the players in my story, but when I publish part two realize these organizations could represent a non profit for any cause.

Veterans Community Foundation - I currently serve and work for this non profit. I believe in the organization, but it has had some problems trying to expand due to management disagreements and shabby communication between the main offices in new england and new chapters. Still, the mission is valid and well needed. Veterans are not well counseled on how to transition into the civilian work force, and post traumatic stress is an overwhelming issue no one organization can handle alone. This organization has the potential to return money to local areas more quickly than some of the larger Veterans groups like Wounded Warriors or the VFW. http://www.veteranscf.org/

Rock for Recovery   - Music therapy for PTSD effected veterans is on the rise - because it works. Rock for Recovery is an organization all about getting veterans together to jam out, and they raise a lot of money for veterans too. These guys are in Houston - but there are others. Expect a dedicated blog on them soon. http://www.warriorspiritband.com

Serving Project  - Please see my blog below for everything on Serving Project. Transportation for Veterans is a serious issue that can easily be overlooked. www.servingproject.org

Camp Hope and the PTSD Foundation of America  - This foundation recognizes the trust issues Veterans have with allowing the government or the VA to treat their PTSD. It also recognizes that the best support for veterans afflicted with PTSD are other veterans. Camp Hope was established as a safe place where strategic group therapy among peers could thrive. This organization is growing fast, and I personally hope it will be the one to unify some of these other efforts. http://www.ptsdusa.org/

Give an Hour  - An organization of therapists who realize the seriousness of the PTSD issue and donate their time. They need awareness of their service and their own funds. http://www.giveanhour.org

Veterans Support Organization  - A Veterans Organization similar in structure to the Community Foundation, who declares its mission to be for aid to homeless veterans, or veterans in danger of becoming homeless. The organization has built halfway houses and recovery centers, which include work programs to help Veterans get back on their feet. I do not post a link to them because they are the chink in the armor, and perhaps the best example of the reasons people come to mistrust non profits. (and in this case perhaps rightfully so). The mission of this organization is needed, and I hope it can be revitalized in the future.

Please support these organizations, and remember that all proceeds for my book sales go toward serving project until further notice. Their story shall be told soon, but more importantly, it is a story of the struggle of human generosity versus our fears. 

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